
Rose-Marie started to Bike to Work: her findings...

Gazing out of the office window at the fifth floor, I can nearly see my home... This fact often made me consider the idea to come to work by bike. It would improve my condition without a supplementary time investment in sport.
Many obstacles prevented my thoughts from turning into action...Which route to take? How to organize? Are there facilities for cyclists? And especially...What about my condition? My condition was really poor.
Eventually a colleague convinced me to put all my hesitations aside and to try it out. The first time I "bikepooled" with a cycling colleague. It took me over 55 minutes to conquer a steep climb and to cover the 11 km to the office...
Today, about a month after that difficult start, I obtained a certain routine which facilitates considerably my organization: I decide to bike and to prepare everything the evening before so that I can leave early in the morning and am not tempted  to take my car.
It is still difficult, but I am improving: I am now in 45 minutes at the office... Still more important than time is that my body is boosted by this regular exercise. After all that's why I am doing it for! I feel good!

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