
Increase of cycle path network leads to increase of cyclists

I am a very defensive rider. It means that I cede my priority, that I pay extremely attention at each pivate gate. Fortunately I can ride most of the time on a separate cyclepath when I come from Leuven to Brussels so that all those precautions and attention aren't really necessary.
The cyclepath I use is an exception. 
In the Netherlands they met in the '80 the same infrastructural problems. The roads weren't adapted for cyclists. Massive protests an political led eventually to a splendid cycle path network. Have a look at the video...

1 opmerking:

  1. Koen Van den Bergh2 november 2011 om 09:36

    We can still learn a lot from our neighbors in the North ;)
    The cycle path from +- Laken over the Van Praat bridge is just amazing to use. Unfortunately there was a big accident this morning at the crossing 'Vuurkruislaan' - 'Vilvoordse Steenweg'.. The cycle path crosses the lanes, and a big truck was stopped in the middle of the crossroad... The driver was being taken care of by the medical staff (stiff neck, infuse, ...) Really hope he will be ok!
