The evening was worse: traffic jam from start to end: 21km/h. Awful. Cycling I use to have an average of 25km/h when I'm slow...
True. Bad, dark weather does require a bit more discipline than in the sunny summer days.
A first adversary is the rain. Meet and beat is my device: face the rain in the right clothings: clothings that repell or at least don't absorbe all too much water and breathe at the same time. A classic rain jacket or a rain gown are ok when you don't need to go far. With 27 km ahead of you you'll be wetter from the transpiration than from the rain. Personally I protect only my valuable items against the rain (my breadbox for example: wouldn't want to miss my breakfast at my arrival at Mobistar...). Roughly estimated I got soaked less than 5 times a year. Rain is worse from behind the window than when you are actually in it...
A more dreadful opponent is the darkness. This real danger is systematically underestimated. Weapon you against darkness. Cyclists are the weak participants in the traffic.Their visibility should appeal cardrivers to a caring attitude towards cyclists.
I never leave without my safety jacket, white front light, red back light and reflectors in my wheels.
What about the autumn blues? I don't autorize rain and darkness to predict my behaviour. Defying circumstances is a way to cope with upcoming blues. That power is in each of us. Feel wind and rain on your face and taste life.
Although the cyclist hasa back light and reflectors, he isn't visible |
A safety jacket increases considerably visibility |