
You make the difference!

Belgium has an ecological deficit of 6,4 hectare per person. With this we score as the second worst country in the world.
Only the United Arab Emirates do even worse with 8,4 hectare per person.
I was dismayed about that result. Are we doing that bad? Will my nephews and nieces still have some green to live in? Then the question arose: what can I do? How could ever my insignificant share contribute to a greener world?
Suddenly I remembered an ants colony struggling for its life: a heavy shower had wiped thousands of ants into a well. They held together and formed a ball, roughly about the size of a tennis ball. Half of the ball was under water but the ants were changing places continuously, consecutively in the water and out the water until they reached the wall of the pit, got on the dry and disappeared.
I understood that my small share does make a difference. If we want results, each one of us must do something to keep the head above water. I want a clean world and that is why I Move Green and bike to work. Sometimes it's hard, but most of the time I just feel good.
Our World deserves respect of each of us.